Gemstone Correspondences
Only the types of gemstones we use in the shop are featured here. Please consult the sources at the end of our list for information on other stones.
Types of Agate
Agate, Banded
Element: Fire
Restores bodily energy
Eases stressful situations
Agate, Blue Lace
Element: Water
Peace, Happiness, Communication, Clarity, Confidence
Eases stressful situations
Aids in spiritual attunement
Aids confidence in communication
Helps release negative speech and behavior patterns
Enhances spiritual communication
Harmonizes with Malachite, Blue Chalcedony, Anandalite, Guardianite, Moldavite, and Blue Kyanite
Agate, Moss
Element: Earth
Stability, Persistence, Grounding
Gardener’s talisman
Restores energy, especially mental fatigue
Grounding stone
Harmonites with Moldavite and all other Agates
Agate, Red (Blood)
Element: Fire
Eases stressful situations
Brings courage, fends off fear
Provides protective shield that sends fright back to its source
Mind-clearing and grounding stone
Conducive to introspection, allowing latent issues to come forward
Harmonizes with Diamond, Chrysocolla, Anandalite, Crimson Cuprite, Mystic Merlinite (Indigo Gabbro), Agnitite, and Agni Gold Danburite
Agate, Tree
Used for spiritwork and trancework
Helps spiritworkers gain access to the axis mundi (world tree)
Helps mediate the stress of lengthy to-do lists
Lends physical support and purifies
Element: Earth
Gambling, Success, Truth, Communication, Harmony
Helps focus on the truth and to uncover the truth of all matters
Helps a person speak up for themselves
Enhances discernment of truth
Augments ability to set boundaries for self and respect those of others
Amber, Baltic (Resin)
Element: Fire
Luck, Healing, Strength, Protection, Beauty, Love
Real amber is warm to the touch
Increases the strength and effectiveness of magic
Enhances beauty and natural attractiveness
Aids with past-life recall and breaking unwanted repetitive patterns
Enhances ability to establish boundaries in all areas of life
Harmonizes with Tsavroite, Yellow Sapphire, Moldavite, and Jet
Element: Water
Dreams, Substance Abuse Recovery (especially for alcoholism), Healing, Psychism, Peace, Love, Protection against Thieves, Courage, Happiness
Takes its name from the Greek amethystos, which means “without wine”
Harmonizes especially well with Moldavite, Azeztulite, Phenacite, Scolecite, and Natrolite
Elements: Air, Fire
Mental Clarity, Spiritual Clarity, Decisiveness
Half-Amethyst, Half-Citrine
Empowered transmutation
Helps retrain a person’s mind to stay on course with decisions made
Enhances discernment in all areas of life - and in spirituality
Provides courage for setting necessary boundaries
Aids in releasing unhealthy habits and patterns
Harmonizes with all Quartzes, Sugilite, Golden Labradorite, Yellow Sapphire, Lilac Lepidolite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, and Moldavite
Takes its name from the Greek word apat, which means “deceit”
Refers to the various shades in which it can be found
Enhances clarity of thought and aids in sorting through confusing situations
Augments understanding of thoughts/concepts when overwhelmed
Strengthens ability to tune into the environment when gardening
Types of Apatite
Apatite, Blue
Element: Air
Psychic Activation, Knowledge
Strong aid in spiritual communication
Acts as conduit allowing lessons learned in spiritual plane to be brought into physical plane and integrated into everyday life
Harmonizes with record keeper crystals and Trigonic Quartz
Element: Water
Psychism, Peace, Courage, Purification
Worn to enhance psychic powers or for purification purposes
Placed in suitcase during travel to protect against storms
Sailor’s amulet against danger
General healing stone
Can be used in conjunction with most other stones
Types of Aventurine
Aventurine, Green
Element: Air
Mental Strength, Eyesight, Gambling, Money, Peace, Healing, Luck
Increases perception
Stimulates creativity
Enhances intelligence
Gambler’s talisman
Harmonizes with all Quartzes, Moldavite, Moonstone, Morganite, Green Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, and Watermelon Tourmaline
Aventurine, Red
Elements: Earth, Fire
Discernment, Determination, Strength, Creativity, Sexuality
Enhances ability to preserve in difficult situations
Augments endurance
Strengthens insight and psychic sight
Harmonizes with Quartz, Ruby, Zincite, Phenacite, Golden Labradorite, Moldavite, and Ajoite
Element: Water
Psychism, Healing, Love, Energy, Stops Gossip
Worn while on the water for protection against storms
Guards against drowning and seasickness
Worn to deliberate psychic manipulation
Worn to win debates and arguments while lending wearer amiability and good manners
Stone of the seer - used to increase psychic awareness
Carried/worn to attract love
Element: Fire
Healing, Victory, Courage, Legal Matters, Wealth, Strength, Power, Business, Agriculture
Also known as Heliotrope
Used to break bonds and open doors (Ancient Egypt)
Famous for use in stopping bleeding
General health-giving talisman
Worn, lends courage, clams fear, reduces anger
Used in spells to win court/legal cases
Farmer’s talisman, worn during planting to increase crop yield
Harmonizes with Cuprite, Smoky Quartz, Zincite, Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, Imperial Topaz, and Golden Azeztulite
Element: Earth
Known as the “stone of courtesy”
Promotes peace; relieves stress
Element: Fire
Protection, Peace, Eloquence, Healing, Courage, Sexual Energy
Worn to boost courage
Strengthens the voice, aids public speaking
Confers patience
Strengthens astral vision
Worn to bed to halt nightmares
Guards against telepathy and those who try to steal your thoughts
Placed in home to guard it from lightning and storms
Aids in past-life recall
Activates desire to uncover patterns preventing self-realization
Stone of self-knowledge and self-acceptance
Harmonizes with all Quartzes, Jaspers, and Chalcedonies
Element: Air
Balancing stone - attunes/harmonizes all energies within a person
Aids flow of words and thoughts, especially for writing and/or during speaking events
Augments intuition and strengthens the success of intuitive decision-making
Aids in calming overacting minds; potentially useful against intrusive thoughts
Calms turbulent emotions
Allows a person to be fully grounded in their body while also connected to spiritual realm
Types of Celestite
Celestite, Blue
Element: Water
Compassion, Eloquence, Healing
Relieves headaches and tension
Reduces stress
Element: Water
Stability, Kindness, Endurance, Balance, Peace
Augments introspection and boosts self-esteem
Protects mental faculties
Cleansing stone that does not need to be cleansed itself
Types of Chalcedony
Chalcedony, Blue
Element: Water
Peace, Anti-Nightmare, Travel, Protection, Lactation, Luck
Worn, dissolves illusions and fantasies
Wards off psychic attack and negative magic
Worn, prevents accidents
Harmonizes with Purple Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Owhyee Blue Opal, Oregon Opal, Alexandrite, Petalite, Lapis, Ajoite, and Alexandrite
Stone of cleansing and purification
Stone of deep transformation; metamorphosis
Purifies aura, grounds, and integrates
Aids in channeling, psychic mediumship, trancework, spiritual awareness
Especially potent in spiritual transformation
Untangles chaotic thoughts and illuminates the core issues in complex situations
Caution: Charoite does this by first expanding chaos in order to make it easier to pinpoint the key elements that are causing the issues - this stone really lives up to the sayings, “It always gets worse before it gets better” and “It’s always darkest before the dawn”
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Phenacite, Seraphinite, Petalite, Amethyst, Kunzite, Blue Apatite, Sugilite, Jet, Black Tourmaline, and Smoky Quartz
Known as the “crusader’s stone;” sometimes referred to as “cross tones” / “iron crosses”
Assists with mental faculties, especially analytical reasoning
Used to support astral travel
Symbol of transmutation, death, and rebirth
Stone of change
Provides ambition/drive to turn an idea into a reality - aids manifestation
Element: Water
Peace, Wisdom, Love, Nurture, Forgiveness, Tolerance
Drives off unreasonable fear and illusions
Worn, grants the power of discretion and increased wisdom
Worn or used in spells to attract love
Augments speaking abilities and strengthens listening abilities
Provides a boost to vocalization via song and in other musical expressions
Harmonizes with Larimar, Aquamarine, Ajoite, Malachite, Azurite, Lapis, Shattuckite, and Azeztulite
Element: Earth
Happiness, Luck, Success, Friendship, Protection, Healing, Money
Worn for eloquence, success, and to attract friends
Stores energy
Draws latent talents forward
Historically used as treatment for mental illness - dispels anxiety, reduces fear
Opens mind to new patterns; source of calm during change
Stimulates intellectual curiosity
Reduces egoism; increases creativity
Sometimes used to enhance fertility
Harmonizes with Ajoite, Danburite, Lepidolite, Amblygonite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, Kunzite, and Morganite
Element: Fire
Anti-Nightmare, Protection, Psychism, Wealth
Worn at night to prevent nightmares
Worn to facilitiate psychic awareness
Heightens mental clarity and creativity
Increases concentration
Aids with memory recall
Protects the aura - helps repair holes in the aura
Allows a person to hear/accept constructive criticism
Cleanses environment as well as etheric body (aura)
Helps maintain balance between feminine/masculine energies
Harmonizes with Heliodor, Golden Labradorite, Imperial Topaz, Zincite, Orange Calcite, and Carnelian
Serves as gateway to the past
Moonlight intensifies healing power of coral
Coral is the skeletal remains of sea creatures
Types of Coral
Coral, Red
Element: Water
Healing, Agriculture, Protection, Peace, Wisdom
Worn, guards against malignant spirits, accidents, violence, and theft
Effects inner changes - dispels panic and nightmares
Confers reason, prudence, courage, and wisdom
When worn, alerts wearer of ill health by paling in color
Used to attract luck into a house
Worn, protects while traveling over water and against shark attacks
Guards boats against shipwreck
Diopside, Chrome
Element: Earth
Healing, Balance, Subtle Perception
Releases stress
Aids with grounding and geomancy
Augments ability to spiritually communicate with earth spirits
Enhances ability to energetically perceive ley lines (also known as force lines / mana lines / dragon lines)
Element: Earth
Love, Money, Mental Powers, Psychism, Protection, Exorcism
Used in business spells and rituals to promote sales and increase public’s awareness
Worn to strengthen memory, to increase understanding, and to produce eloquent speech
Worn, increases awareness of psychic faculties
Said to grant all knowledge of past, present, and future
Stone of spiritual generosity
Harmonizes with Dioptase, Aventurine, Morganite, Kunzite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Tsavorite, Aquamarine, Heliodor, Goshenite, and Bixbite
Element: Air
Mental Clarity, Improved Decision-Making, Aura Cleansing
Sparks intellect and can inspire epiphanies
Cleanses the aura and reduces stress; offsets electromagnetic pollutants
Harmonizes with Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Jet, Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Golden Labradorite, Heliodor, Emerald, Dioptase, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Morganite, Calcite
Types of Fluorite
Fluorite, Rainbow
Element: Air
Works with the conscious mind
Strengthens thoughts, analytical abilities, and theorizing/synthesizing abilities
Reduces emotional involvement to provide clearer perspectives
Strengthens the effects of other stones
Element: Earth
Amplifies channelilng abilities and increases psychic intuition
Wards off psychic attacks
Enhances mental clarity and focus, especially while studying
Allows greater ability to integrate information studied into consciousness
Empowering stone; aids in overcoming low self-esteem/self-worth issues
Harmonizes with Phenacite, Nuummite, Labradorite, Covellite
Caution: Galena is a lead sulfide mineral, which means it should not be handled often and you should always wash your hands both before and after handling it
Element: Fire
Healing, Protection, Strength
Worn, increases strength, endurance, and vigor
Worn in ritual/magic to gain extra energy in working
Strengthens the aura and protects against malignant spirits
Particularly good for protecting against thieves
Takes its name from the Greek granatum, as the ancient Greeks saw garnet as very similar to pomegranate - associated with Persephone
Provides access to past-life memories and sharpens cognitive abilities
Promotes compassion and awareness of both the world and self
Especially good at helping a person let go of self-loathing
Element: Earth
Past-Life Recall, Healing, Artistic Creativity
Aids emotional healing, especiaclly from grief and trauma
Harmonizes with Nuummite, Alexandrite, Oregon Opal, Smoky Quartz, Danburite, and Petalite
Aids in enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem
Mood-stabilizing stone
Provides physical energy; helps maintain personal ambition/drive
Note: Goldstone is a synthetic type of glass that contains crystallized copper
Elements: Earth, Fire
Healing, Grounding, Divination
Powerful for drawing illness from the body - has the ability to heal itself
Worn for grounding and stabilizing purposes
Increases focus on the physical world
Enhances self-image and self-belief
Transmutes negative energy into positive energy
Assists with legal protection
Draws anxiety out of the body and creates calm
Increases ability to think, concentrate, focus, and augments memory recall
Contributes to deep inner work, such as the pursuit of self-knowledge
Harmonizes with other grounding stones, Herkimer Diamonds, Moldavite, Libyan Gold Tektite, Azeztulite, Herderite, and Phenacite
Enhances psychic/intuitive skills
Lunar stone
Calms mind and clears it of unwanted thoughts
Helps improve ideas and increases focus
Helps with regaining emotional balance
Element: Air
Self-Knowledge, Visualization, Shadow Work
Enhances psychic awareness
Stone of magical manifestation
Promotes healing through creative visualizations
Harmonizes with Labradorite, Golden Labradorite, Spectroolite, Phenacite, Danburite, Moldavite, and Azeztulites
Indigo Gabbro
Element: Fire, Earth
Magic, Intuition, Psychicism, Mediumship, Integrating Dualities, Resolving Paradox, Shadow Work, Elemental Magic
Also known as Mystic Merlinite
Parts the viel between physical and spiritual worlds
Assits in mediumship, especially ancestral communication
Augments all aspects of learning magic and boosts magical strength
Enhances understanding of interrelationality of occult principles
Facilitiates prophetic visions and attracts synchronicities
Aids in both past-life recall and dream recall
Harmonizes with all forms of Azeztulite, Black Tourmaline, Jet, and Smoky Quartz
Element: Air
Meditation stone - calms mind, slows thoughts, allows relaxation
Aids in spirit communication
Stone of focus - helps with organizing thoughts
Strengthens communication skills
Aids in finding hidden patterns causing emotional disturbances
Aids in the pursuit of self-knowledge and helps relieve aggressive tendencies
Harmonizes with Lapis, Amethyst, Tanzanite, Lazulite, Azurite, Scolecite, and Hematite
Types of Jade
Element: Water
Love, Healing, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Gardening, Prosperity, Money
Has control over weather, especially mist, rain, snow
Worn, helps with healing both physical and spiritual illnesses
Holds power to prolong life
Worn while gardening, improves the health of plants
Worn, can attract money into your life
Considered the "true" jade today
“Charge a pendant or ring with money-attracting energies, then wear it and consciously allow yourself to receive money. Create a positive attitude toward money and visualize yourself using it productively, creatively. Gloomy visions of the ‘problems’ money brings will effectively cut you off from it” (Cunningham).
“When contemplating a business deal, hold a piece of jade in your receptive hand for a few moments. Be infused with its prosperous energies. Then decide which course to take” (Cunningham).
Takes its name from the Spanish piedra de hijada, meaning “stone of the flank;” was highly valued for both medicinal/religious purposes among the Mexica (Aztecs)
Has the same metaphysical properties as jadeite
Much more common than jadeite - most jade sold on the market today is nephrite
This is the type of jade considered the "true jade" within Asia - historically used by China
Types of Jasper
Jasper, Brown
Element: Earth
Used for centering and grounding after heavy magical/spiritual work
Helps with past life recall
Jasper, Bumblebee
Element: Fire
Inspiration, Intensity, Creative Manifestation, Adventure
Inspires courage and adventurousness
Note: Not a true jasper but a sedimentary rock containing sulfur, manganese oxides, realgar, orpiment, and calcium carbonate
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Phenacite, Heliodor, Libyan Gold Tektite, Apatite, Tibetan Tektite, Anandalite, and Azeztulite
Jasper, Dalmatian
Aids in deepening meditative state
Enhances understanding of duality in life
Helps a person stay focused on light while embracing darkness
Aids in finding balance between polar opposites - resolves paradox
Allows insight into a person’s own self-talk in order to develop self-trust and self-loyalty
Jasper, Kambaba
Meditative stone - calming
Aids with past-life recall
Calms and soothes emotional upsets
Improves a person’s ability to love and receive love
Increases flow of money into a person’s life
Activates a person’s ability to increase prosperity and abundance
Jasper, Mookaite
Aids in mental strength and maintaining mental equilibrium
Enhances focus, eliminates distracting thoughts, and helps keep a person on task to reach established goals
Allows a person to uncover the core issues causing emotional upset
Jasper, Red
Element: Fire
Used in defensive magic; sends negativity back to the sender
Carried or used during healing and health spells
High vibration for spiritual discipline
Increases endurance and focus during long spiritual ceremonies/practices
Aids in overcoming procrastination
Stone of diligence, endurance, and steadfast concentration
Can be used to offset disinterest/boredom with life
Caution: Not a good stone to use while angry/agitated
Jasper, Unakite
Element: Earth
Stone of vision
Helps heal wounds of separation/abandonment
Helps create balance between emotions/body
Helps pull a person out of past and into present - good for trauma healing
Good for birthing of all sorts, so especially good for pregnant women
Helps a person make decisions using head and heart together
Calms mental chatter and internal debate; releases anxiety
Element: Earth
Relaxation, Peace, Grounding
Held or worn to induce relaxation
Releases tension and stress
Kept in the car to protect the car and to help reinforce safe driving practices
Used for centering and grounding
Problem-solving stone; helps offset electromagnetic pollutants
Transmutes discordant energies into harmonious interactions
Aids in attracting healthy romantic relationships
Aids in attracting supportive loving friendships
Aids in attracting good business colleagues
Harmonizes with Hiddenite, Moldavite, Morganite, Rose Quartz, Ajoite, Emerald, Pink Tourmaline, Phenacite, Azeztulite, Scolecite, and Natrolite
Kyanite, Blue
Element: Storm
Endurance, Love, Meditation
Used to foster love in all forms
Strengthens meditation
Aids with telepathic communication
Especially powerful when combined with selenite
Strengthens problem-solving - selenite amplifies its ability to help with manifestation
Calms energy - especially beneficial for decreasing anger/agitation due to faulty perceptions
Harmonizes with all other Kyanites, Moldavite, Phenacite, and Azeztulite
Element: Air
Aids with astral travel
Augments mystic abilities
Aura cleanser and balancer
Protects against aura leakage
Stone for meditation, lucid dreaming, psychic development, spiritual awareness
Expandsd awareness of heart and mind
Known as the philosopher’s stone - shines light on the truth within a person
Strong study aid - increases innate intelligence
Amplifies ability to see through wide-angle lens
Guides a person towards seeing the “mirrors” in relationships with others in order to develop a greater understanding of self
Ideal for a person in the midst of reinventing themselves
Harmonizes with Moonstone, Sunstone, Spectrolite, Golden Labradorite, and Moldavite
Elements: Water, Fire
Ideal for telepathic communication, especially animal communication
Enhances ability to gain clarity in life
Stone of loving and clear communication
Harmonizes with almost all other stones, especially with Lapis Lazuli, Azeztulite, Moldavite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla
Lazuli, Lapis
Element: Water
Healing, Joy, Love, Fidelity, Psychism, Protection, Courage
Healing and soothing - improves mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional condition
Uplifting and spiritual stone; useful for meditation
Considered a potent fidelity charm; worn to strengthen the bonds between lovers
Breaks hold of the conscious mind on the subconscious mind; enhances intuition
Aids with dream recall and promotes clarity during dreams
Study stone - especially potent for integrating highly complex, scholarly subjects
Helps heal the emotional turmoil caused by abuse
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Alexandrite, Oregon Opal, Turquoise, Rhodochrosite, Sugilite, Chrysoprase, Pietersite, Rhodonite, Larimar, and Guardianite
Element: Water
Peace, Spirituality, Luck, Protection, Anti-Nightmare, Psychicism, Love
Held, soothes all negative emotions
Known as the “letting-go” stone
Aids in the elimination of old patterns
Because lepidolite contains lithium, it has the power to create mental equilibrium, making it beneficial for those with mood disorders
Allegedly helps with manic depression and schizophrenia
Crystals should always be used in conjunction with modern medicine, not as a substitute for it. For any mental illness, please consult a professional
Helps enhance channeling and mediumship skills while staying grounded
Encourages healthy, detached outlook on situations
Helps maintain financial equilibrium, especially during times of market instability
Harmonizes with Tourmaline, Kunzite, Petalite, Amblygonite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, Natrolite, Scolecite, Elestial Calcite, and Merkabite Calcite
Element: Storm
Expands intuition
Relaxes mind, releases tension of negative thoughts
Balances emotions and allows a person to tune into their own emotions
Helps clear out old emotional patterns
Stimulates the part of the mind that hears/responds to the heart’s “voice”
Elements: Earth, Fire
Power, Protection, Love, Peace, Business, Success
Travel’s guardian stone; powerful for preventing falls
Worn near the heart, expands ability to love others and attracts love
Saleperson’s talisman
Draws out old patterns and thoughts
Provides psychic protection
Requires extra care in its use because it amplifies energies that are already present
Helps with maintaining boundaries
Can help restore energy for those suffering from burnout
Should not be used in crystal elixirs; toxic if consumed due to high copper content
Harmonizes with Tiger’s Eye, Morganite, Azurite, Turquoise, Shattuckite, Chrysocolla, and Ajoite
Types of Malachite
Malachite, Azurite
Serves as conduit between spiritual and physical planes
Aids emotional healing, especially in releasing anger
Balances all systems in the body
Makes a person more conscious of the words they speak and the impact their words have on others as well as on their own health
Element: Air
Divination, Protection, Self-Reflection
Element: Water, Air
Love, Divination, Psychism, Sleep, Gardening, Protection, Youth
Traveler’s protective charm, especially over water
Harmonizes especially well with Ruby
Types of Moonstone
Moonstone, Rainbow
Element: Air
Optimism, Vitality, Inner Peace, Psychic Protection
Purifies and transforms negative energy
Relieves tension and stress
Harmonizes with all other Moonstones, Sunstone, Labradorite, Black Jade, Amber, Golden Labradorite, Moldavite, Amethyst, Jet, and Tibetan Tektite
Element: Fire
Protection, Grounding, Divination, Peace
Grounding and centering stone
Types of Obsidian
Obsidian, Apache Tears
Elements: Earth, Fire
Grounding, Protection, Psychic Attunement, Emotional Healing
Supports all types of grieving processes
Especially for coping with grief associated with suicide
Grounding and focusing stone
Used to deflect negative energy
Harmonizes with Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Aegririne, Red Garnet, Healer’s Gold, Moldavite, Tibetan Tektite, and Libyan Gold Tektite
Obsidian, Black
Element: Earth
Psychic Protection, Grounding, Cleansing, Spirit Communication
Draws a person inward to their own core
Stone for dreaming and creating
Used to deflect negative energy
Aids in bringing buried/repressed emotions to the surface
Harmonizes with Jet, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Moldavite, Amber, Alexandrite, Oregano Opal, Phenacite, Scolecite, Natrolite, and Azeztulite
Obsidian, Black Rainbow
Element: Earth
Good for memory recall
Helps dispel negative thinking/unwanted mental energy
Aids in understanding past traumas as lessons for a person’s current self
Strong healer on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual
Helps in removal of attachments
Has a special affinity with Rainbow Moonstone
Obsidian, Mahogany
Element: Earth
Helps heal feelings of unworthiness
Aids in releasing inner limitations
Encourages self-love
Ideal for psychic protection and clearing blockages
Harmonizes with Tibetan Black Quartz, Sugilite, Black Tourmaline, Zincite, and Moldavite
Obsidian, Snowflake
Element: Earth
Opens new spiritual paths and connections
Assists with accepting change and transformation
Aids in helping a person recognize thought patterns that need to be changed
Helps a person find the benefits in emotional challenges
Harmonizes with Magnesite, Zincite, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Siberian Blue Quartz, Scolecite, and Herderite
Elements: All
Astral Projection, Psychism, Beauty, Money, Luck, Power
Luck-drawing stone
The concept that opal is a “stone of misfortune” is entirely attributed to Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Anne of Gierstein, and is inaccurate
Contains the colors and qualities of every other stone, so it can be used almost universally
As a stone linked to invisibility, promotes protection during astral projection
Worn, helps develop psychic abilities
Types of Opal
Opal, Fire
Element: Fire
Passion, Creativity, Energy, Manifestation
Used in money-drawing spells
Opal, Owyhee Blue
Element: Water
Strength, Calm Confidence, Decisiveness, Inner Exploration, Amplification, Psychic Protection
Harmonizes with white Oregon Opal, Moldavite, Herderite, Black Precious Opal, Andean Pink Opal, and Andean Blue Opal
Opal, Purple
Elements: Water, Air, Storm
Spiritual Purification, Energetic Purification, Emotional Balance
Also known as Violet Flame Opal
Cleanses and purifies etheric body - aura cleanser
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Azeztile, Amethyst, and Azeztulites
Element: Earth
Protection, Health, Wealth, Sleep
Guards against enchantments, night terrors, illusions, and the evil eye
Worn/carried for healing purposes
Attracts love
Soothes anxiety and calms anger
Used in wealth-attracting spells
Helps a person transcend challenges using their own inner strength
Aids in thinking outside the box
Transforms negative emotions into positive emotions
Element: Storm
Grounding stone for use in developing psychic skills
Especially good for enhancing sensory gifts, such as clairvoyance, which means “clear sight” and is also known as psychic sight / vision
Provides the ability to see past illusions and through deceptions, to see truth past distractions, and to go within the self to reflect upon both inner self and outer world
Strengthens personal power; aids in setting boundaries
Aids in healing emotional issues stemming from difficult personal interactions
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Phenacite, Natrolite, Merkabite Calcite, Scolecite, Nuummite, Libyan Gold Tektite, Heliodor, Golden Labradorite, Tiger Eye, Moonstone, Sunstone, and Labradorite
Elements: Earth, Water
Aids in integrating spiritual understanding of impermanence into everyday life
Aligns a person with peaceful vibrations and renewal inherent in constant change
Aids in releasing the feeling of being challenged by constant change
Enhances focus and alertness when mentally exhausted
Aids in sorting through thoughts and dismissing unwanted/irrelevant mental energies
Stone of transformation
Harmonizes with Adamite, Jade, Smithsonite, Hemimorphite, Blue Aragonite, Libyan Gold Tektite, Heliodor, Emerald, Moldavite, Natrolite, Scolecite, Herderite, Lilac Lepidolite, and all Azeztulites
Element: Earth
Manifestation, Action, Vitality, Willpower, Creativity, Confidence
Enables skin to ward off contaminants
Nearly unmatched in personal mentality works
Boosts creativity, intelligence, logic
Augments communication skills
Provide steady stability
Used for money-drawing, protective, and/or creativity-boosting works
Harmonizes with Zincite, Carnelian, Prehnite, Heliodor, Libyan Gold Tektite, Golden Labradorite, Citrine, and Hematite
Elements: Fire, Water
Protection, Healing, Psychicsm, Power, Lactation
Also called rock crystal
“The quartz crystal is the shaman, and the shaman is the crystal” (Cunningham).
Used as instrument of contemplation to awaken the psychic mind
Offers psychic impulses in the form of dreams and ensures peaceful dreams
Used as a powerful amplifier during magic
Harmonizes with all other stones
Types of Quartz
Quartz, Aqua Aura
Element: Water
Relaxation, Spiritual Communication, Psychic Protection
Cleanses the aura
Enhances channeling and spiritwork
Augments ability to communicate truth
Harmonizes with Danburite, Petalite, Seraphinite, Oregon Opal, Alexandrite, and Kunzite
Quartz, Rose
Element: Water
Emotional Healing, Stress Relief, Love
Good for all matters of the heart
Gently soothing
Allows release of hurt and negative feelings/memories
Engenders self-love, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance
Harmonizes with all stones
Quartz, Rutilated
Element: Storm
Amplification, Acceleration, Quickening and Grounding Manifestation
Stone of manifestation - helps bring dreams/ideas into the world
Amplifies healing - the “healer’s healer”
Reinvigorates body, boosts immune system, slows aging
Harmonizes with all Quartzes, Moldavite, Phenacite, Tanzanite, Danburite, Azeztulite, Herdrite, Brookite, Satyaloka Quartz, Petalite, Natrolite, Scolecite, Tibetan Tektite, Merkabite Calcite and Elestial Calcite
Quartz, Smoky
Element: Earth
Grounding, Transmutation, Practicality, Organization, Manifestation
Grounding stone
Facilitates creation/achievement of business goals
Facilitates creation/achievement of personal goals
Generates attitude of patience/fortitude; provides perseverance
Useful healing aid for those struggling with codependency and/or addiction
Helps overcome blocks preventing seeing self as a priority in life
Works great in conjunction with all other members of the quartz family
Harmonizes with Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, and Moldavite
Quartz, Tangerine
Element: Fire
Creativity, Sexuality, Passion, Curiosity, Inspiration, Playfulness, Innocence
Enhances creative power and augments inspiration
Harmonizes with Orange Calcite, Zincite, Carnelian, Padparadsha Sapphire, Cuprite, Golden Labradorite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, and Herderite
Quartz, Tourmalined
Element: Fire, Water
Promotes astral projection
Helps a person integrate spiritual practice into everyday life
Centering and balancing stone
Aids in clearing negative mental energies
Helps draw out negative emotions so that they can be released
Often used in cord-cutting rituals
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Guardianite, Aegirine, Nuummite, Charoite, Sugilite, Black Obsidian, and Jet
Elements: Fire, Water
Energy, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
Worn/carried to lend extra energy during extreme physical activity
Soothes emotions and promotes release of physical tension
Enhances compassion and augments ability to forgive
Can overcome irrationally and help prevent mental breakdowns
Aids in memory recall
Good for overcoming fear/paranoia
Brings together the spiritual and physical planes
Aids in emotional processing of deep/painful wounds without being overwhelming
Harmonizes with Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, Rhodonite, Morganite, Emerald, Tsavorite, Garnet, Rosophia, Phenacite, Alexandrite, Oregon Opal, Black Tourmaline, and Jet
Elements: Fire, Earth
Peace, Anti-Confusion
Worn, eliminates incoherency, confusion, and lessens doubt
Worn/carried, shuts down the psychic centers
Worn, promotes balance for stone/crystal mages/healers
Unmatched in ability to augment hearing/listening
Nearly unmatched in ability to help heal from grief and the loss of loved ones
Stabilizes the emotions
Helps clarify all sides of situations and enhances fairness in decision-making
Harmonizes with Rosophia, Rose Quartz, Pink Calcite, Morganite, Emerald, Phenacite, Scolecite, Natrolite, Herderite, Sugilite, and Tibetan Black Quartz
Elements: Earth, Fire
Wealth, Protection, Power, Joy, Anti-Nightmare
Dreaming of rubies indicates coming success in business or money matters / good harvest
Used for scrying, but only the most expensive and most transparent types work for this
Wealth-increasing stone
Possession of rubies said to help owners accumulate other precious gems
Worn, conveys protection against all types of malignant entities, against illness, against magical manipulation, and against famine - strengthens psychic defense center
Soldier’s Amulet - guards against wounds in battle
Placed in home, guards against storms and negativity
Worn during rituals to increase energies available to mage
Harmonizes with Blue Sapphire, Proustite, Cuprite, Zincite, Rose Quartz, and Morganite
Types of Ruby
Ruby, Fuschite
Element: Water
Used to attract love on a spiritual level
Aids in stirring mental energy - good for overcoming lethargic thinking
Shifts energy so that stuck/repetitive thoughts can be brought to completion/manifestation
Allows a person to accept friends and open heart to others
Harmonizes with Rosophia, Crimson Cuprite, Anandalite, Guardianite, Dioptase, Zincite, and Astraline
Ruby, Star
Particularly potent in protective and other forms of magic due to strength of spirit that dwells within
Used as divinatory tools by gazing at crossed lines of light
Ruby, Zoisite
Element: Storm
Inner Development, Outer Development, Self-Awakening, Healing, Vitality, Courage, Passion
Aids in shifting perceptions in order to see through love
Brings thoughts to forefront of awareness
Especially comforting during grieving process
Aids in mending broken hearts
Enhances a person’s ability to speak from the heart
Augments a person’s ability to be open to receiving blessings and gifts from others
Harmonizes with Tanzanite, Apophylite, Tugtupite, Satyaloka Rose, Azeztulite, and all forms of Sapphire
Element: Storm
Attunement, Acceleration, Quickening Manifestation, Awareness
Enhances meditative journeying and dream recall
Enhances ability to synthesize information
Accelerates accumulation of wealth in business matters
Accelerates the implentation of new ideas
Aids in eliminating circumstances of interference
Harmonizes with Phenacite, Merkabite Calcite, Danburite, Elestial Calcite, Herdrite, and Brookite
Element: Earth
Purification, Protection, Grounding, Money
Intimately connected with life and death, creation and destruction
Mineral of crystalline structure
Historically a frequent offering to various deities due to its scarcity and purity
Grounding and cleansing material
Tasting/smelling salt serves to close off psychic centers and brings a person back to their senses
Element: Air
Inner Peace, Relaxation, Tranquility
Amplifies dream recall and ability to receive/translate information from higher planes
Aids in ability to transition between dreaming and waking states
Used to rebalance attitudes/respones for intentional behavioral adjustments
Relieves stress/tension
Enhances ability to sort through vast sets of information with clarity and purpose
Harmonizes with Phenacite, Herderite, all Azeztulites, Danburite, Apophylite, and Natrolite
Elements: Air, Water
Reconciliation, Energy
Worn to increase physical energy
Calms and enhances mental focus
Boosts creative visualization
Record-keeping stone
Caution! Selenite will dissolve in water and most other liquids. Selenite flakes are not safe for human consumption. Do not add to crystal elixirs.
Harmonizes with almost all other stones, especially Moldavite, Phenacite, Tanzanite, Danburite, White Azeztulite, Brookite, Herderite, Scolecite, Natrolite, Petalite, Tibetan Tektite, and Satyaloka Azeztulite
Elements: Earth, Fire
Protection, Lactation, Kundalini Awakening
Protects against venomous creatures - snakes, spiders, bees, scorpions, etc.
Strengthens sense of having control in life
Psychic stone - helps with spirit communication
Helps with past-life recall
Harmonizes with Seraphinite, Herderite, Phenacite, Natrolite, Scolecite, Azeztulite, Anandalite, Tibetan Tektite, Amethyst, Moonstone, Libyan Gold Tektite, Golden Labradorite, Zincite, Tiger’s Eye, Emerald, Green Jade, Purple Jade, and Strombolite
Elements: Air, Water
Healing, Peace, Meditation, Wisdom, Intuition
Worn, relaxes tension and decreases anxiety
Known as the “Truth-Teller’s” stone
Stone of sincerity
When worn, said to be impossible to speak anything except the truth
Environmental cleanser; reduces radioactive pollutants
Balances and cleanses the aura
Good for decision-making (esepecially for those who tend to be indecisive) and for communication - especially for public presentations
Harmonizes with Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Siberian Blue Quartz, Blue Sapphire, Lazulite, Moldavite, Phenacite, Natrolite, Herderite, Scolecite, and Danburite
Element: Storm
Revitalization, Inspiration, Victory, Hope
Relatively rare
Used in magic to increase physical energy
Used to boost physical strength
Used in wealth-drawing spells
Catalyst for inspiration
Harmonizes with Rhodizite, Nuummite, Crimson Cuprite, Natrolite, all the Azeztulites, and Rosophia
Element: Air
Kundalini Activation, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Spiritual Protection, Emotional Resilience, Physical Resilience
Shields the emotional body
Encourages spontaneous display of affection
Harmonizes with Moldavite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Serpentine, Scolecite, Gem Silica, Phenacite, Seraphinite, Morganite, and Tibetan Tektite
Element: Fire
Protection, Energy, Health, Sexual Energy, Leadership, Benevolence, Strength
Placed in a bag of healing herbs to strengthen their energies
Worn/carried to boost physical energy during stressful periods/illnesses
Offers mental clarity and strengthens positive thinking
Illuminates obstacles and draws good luck
Stone of manifestation and the mental power of creating reality
Activates and enhances creative thought processes
Aids in overcoming feelings of unworthiness
Helps leaders find the inner conviction and self-discipline to move forward
Harmonizes with Moonstone, Labradorite, Moldavite, Amber, Selenite, Golden Labradorite, Prasiolite, Jet, Danburite, Larimar, and Quartz
Elements: Air, Water
Joy, Pleasure, Affection, Healing of Negative Patterns, Generosity, Kindness
Enhances empathy and encourages love
Assists in seeing the fundamental goodness of the world
Initiates rapport between people
Diffusions tensions and facilitates finding common ground
Harmonizes with Rose Quartz, Rosophia, Morganite, Dioptase, Moldavite, and Iolite
Tiger's Eye
Elements: Fire, Earth
Money, Protection, Courage, Energy, Luck, Divination
Used in money-drawing spells
Carried for protection against all dangers
Promotes energy flow through body when worn
Harmonizes with all Quartzes, Malachite, Chaorite, Seraphinte, most Jaspers, and Moldavite
Types of Tiger’s Eye
Tiger's Eye, Blue
Enhances all clair senses - clairvoyance (“clear sight”), clairaudience (“clear hearing”), claircognizance (“clear thinking”), clairsentience (“clear feeling”), clairolfaction (“clear smelling”), and clairgustation (“clear tasting”).
Grounds and calms mental chatter
Aids in clear decision-making
Deepens understanding of difficult situations/people
Augments emotional balance
Tiger's Eye, Gold (aka Yellow)
Augments dream recall and strengthens intuition
Aids with mental clarity and self-empowerment
Aids with releasing feelings of jealousy
Draws good fortune
Tiger’s Eye, Red
Provides grounding and spiritual discipline
Stabilizes and focuses mental energy
Amplifies business acumen
Helps a person think outside the box
Enhances courage and self-esteem
Serves as a reminder that it is safe for a person to be powerful
Tiger Iron
Elements: Fire, Earth
Strength, Stamina, Focused Will, Physical Energy, Strength, Self-Healing, Grounding
Augments a person’s ability to see the truth
Grounding and centering stone
Used for protection
Enhances courage and self-esteem
Beneficial for maintaining focus and conviction
Encourages ability to set boundaries and defend self
Note: Tiger’s Iron is a stone composed of tiger’s eye, red jasper, and hematite and thus combines all of their respective energies into a single source
A person is thus shielded from negativity while also moved into action with the energy to complete tasks and business ventures
Harmonizes with Heliodor, Red Garnet, Golden Labradorite, Cerustite, Sphalerite, Quartz, and Jasper - especially Spider Jasper
Element: Fire
Protection, Healing, Money, Love
Association with invisibility suggests protection against astral threats
Protects against all malignant spirits, magic, illness, accidents, envious/harmful people
Shields the mind from insanity
Worn, relieves depression, anxiety, stress, and all other disturbing emotions
Placed in home, protects against fire and accidents
Placed under pillow, protects against nightmares and prevents sleepwalking
Used in wealth-drawing spells - known as “lover of gold”
Worn, draws love
Types of Topaz
Topaz, Silver
Activates ability to see good in all people and situations
Aids with visualization of positive outcomes
Enhances self-esteem
Augments ability to communicate and express self for career matters
Amplifies financial success when outcome visualized in advance
Element: Various
Love, Friendship, Money, Business, Health, Peace, Energy, Courage, Astral Projection
Provides clarity and reduces fear
One of the best all-around healers, especially for trauma
Types of Tourmaline
Tourmaline, Black
Element: Earth
Used for grounding and protection
Protects by repelling - it does not absorb negativity but redirects it
Wards against psychic vampires, as it automatically negates/redirects
Reduces stress
Held in hand for ten minutes, allegedly relieves all allergy symptoms
Harmonizes with Jet, Obsidian, Black Andradite, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite, Charoite, Amethyst, and Hematite
Tourmaline, Watermelon
Elements: Fire, Water
Balances projective and receptive energies within the body
Used in love-attracting spells
Harmony and balance - especially good for dealing with conflicts
Peacemaker’s stone
Harmonizes with Thulite, Oregon Opal, Andean Pink Opal, Pink Calcite, Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite, Rosophia, and Ruby
Elements: Earth, Storm
Protection, Courage, Money, Love, Friendship, Healing, Luck
Protects against evil eye, illness, serpents, poision, violence, accidents, malignant spirits
Worn/carried to boost courage
Horserider’s Amulet - protects riders from falling off horses
Used in money-attracting spells
Used in love-attracting spells and/or to promote marital harmony
Worn, attracts friends, boosts joy, and increases beauty
Healing stone - strengthens eyes and relieves headaches
Considered lucky and carried to attract good fortune
Heightens emotional intelligence
Harmonizes with Gem Silica, Shattuckite, Chrysocolla, Ajoite, Malachite, Azurite, all Calcites, Smithsonite, Hemimorphite, Larimar, and Rosophia
Elements: Fire, Storm
Protection, Beauty, Love, Peace, Sexual Energy, Healing, Anti-Theft, Spiritual Transformation, Intensity, Focus
Used as spiritual protection amulet
Found in many colors - some artificially produced; all have magical properties
Known as a “stone of virtue”
Harmonizes with Moldavite and Phenacite
Note: Often confused with the synthetic mineral, Zirconia - Zircon is natural
Types of Zircon
Zircon, Brown (Malacon)
Used for grounding and centering
Used in wealth-attracting and money-drawing spells
Scott Cunningham. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic. Llewellyn, 2011. Reprint.
Cerridwen Greenleaf. The Magic of Crystals and Gems: Unlocking the Supernatural Power of Stones (Magical Crystals, Positive Energy, Mysticism). Mango. 2017.
Ember Grant. The Book of Crystal Spells: Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals…and Even Sand. Llewellyn. 2013.
Margaret Ann Lembo. The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones. Llewellyn. 2013.
Robert Simmons. The Pocket Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach. Inner Traditions. 2021.